During WWI, the Ottoman Empire which had sided with the Central Powers ruled over vast lands in the Middle East. The Treaty of Versailles gave Great Britain and France control over the region which proceeded to carve out nations that make up Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Eventually the Balfour Deceleration would help establish the Jewish state of Israel in Palestine
At the end of the Great War Islam was divided into sects, according to religion. The two main religions that Islam was split into was the Sunni and Shiite, there is also another Kurdish religion. In Baghdad it is mostly Sunni, and Basra is made up of mostly Shiite's and Mosul is mostly Kurds. Thses three religions were split up because of their religious differences, but if you look at them close enough they are quite similar. Even though the religion is similar they do not get along at all for their minor differences and are getting held together by autocratic rule of kings and dictators. These groups are constantly fighting and it has resulted into an ongoing civil war because no one was keeping them together or allowing them to have their own lands. These religions don't have actual boundaries and places where they can call their own, so if they had distinct boundaries allowing the Sunni's to live with Sunni's, Shiite's with Shiite's and Kurd's with Kurd's i think that would help solve the constant fighting between the religion and give some relief to Islam.