Friday, March 13, 2009

Creation of the Middle East

During WWI, the Ottoman Empire which had sided with the Central Powers ruled over vast lands in the Middle East. The Treaty of Versailles gave Great Britain and France control over the region which proceeded to carve out nations that make up Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Eventually the Balfour Deceleration would help establish the Jewish state of Israel in Palestine

At the end of the Great War Islam was divided into sects, according to religion. The two main religions that Islam was split into was the Sunni and Shiite, there is also another Kurdish religion. In Baghdad it is mostly Sunni, and Basra is made up of mostly Shiite's and Mosul is mostly Kurds. Thses three religions were split up because of their religious differences, but if you look at them close enough they are quite similar. Even though the religion is similar they do not get along at all for their minor differences and are getting held together by autocratic rule of kings and dictators. These groups are constantly fighting and it has resulted into an ongoing civil war because no one was keeping them together or allowing them to have their own lands. These religions don't have actual boundaries and places where they can call their own, so if they had distinct boundaries allowing the Sunni's to live with Sunni's, Shiite's with Shiite's and Kurd's with Kurd's i think that would help solve the constant fighting between the religion and give some relief to Islam.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A Day in the Life of the Tsarist Russia- Nobility

Being a part of the Nobility in Russia, opened you and your family into the 1% of Russia's population that was lucky enough to live a lavish, rich lifestyle. Being Russian, the nobles had to serve in the military for a few years, but since they were a part of the Nobility they recieved high military positions, money, land, and serfs. Even though the Nobles in Russia lived the life of a political powerhouse, they had no power over the tsar. The land they recieved was usually around 1,500 acres, including 200 serfs to maintain the land, houses and everyday duties. With so much free time nobles were able to enjoy music, billiards, tennis, and popular card games. Some wealthier nobles were able to own hunting grounds and palaces, and even able to send their children to school were they were taught in German or French. The Nobility was especaially lucky to attend the Tsar's Annual Grand Ball. Here they were able to eat,drink, dance, listen to music, and make friendly bets, all while Russia was slowly diminishing. The majority of the Russian Nobility would not want their country to go through a revolution because no person in their position would want to give up the life they are living. The only reason they might want some sort of revolution was to get more political power. Under the reign of Nicholas II Russia severly lost the Russo-Japanese War and showed the people of Russia how weak they've become and a revolution might be in order. The 1905 Revolution was Russian societies failed attempt to present a petition to their tsar, but it sadly resulted in the death of many and revolts and strikes. In hope of coming back from severe losses, Russia enters in to WW1 and suffers tremendous losses and it results in the March Revolution, and the uprise of the radical social group the Bolsheviks who were determined to have a change in Russia. This group is led by the Marxist revolutionary Lenin, that revolutionized Russia.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

As the Industrial Revolution was booming through Great Britain, the country realized that raw materials were needed so they began imperialism in other countries. Africa was a huge place for natural materials and European countries realized that so the Scramble for Africa began, and the Europeans were carving up the country and creating boundaries and colonies from coast to coast. To decide peacefully who got what a meeting was held called the Berlin Conference. During the conference countries picked territories based on political, economical, and idealogical motives. Idealogically, countries wanted their colonies to be strong so they took on the White Man's Burden and took their ideas and ways of life and imposed them on the existing culture. Social Darwinism was a huge key in imperializing colonies. Economically the more land equaled more cheap labor, more resources, and in the end more money for the country. Owning the most land was a huge political advantage because it gave a chance for countries to expand territory, enforce their militaries, and it boosted national pride when you had more territory. All of this imperializing helped out the mother country tremendously, but unfortuneatly for the country that was being seized, things weren't so nice. Cultures were being lost because new ones were being forced upon them and they had to live that way. Also cheap labor was everywhere and their were no labor laws so factories were doing anything to their workers at any age. Also slavery and racial problems began, because no matter how advanced Africa was they were always looked down upon in disgust by European countries.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Industrial Revolution, term usually applied to the social and economic changes that mark the transition from a stable agricultural and commercial society to a modern industrial society relying on complex machinery rather than tools.

The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain because Great Britain had access to the factors of production. These factors are land, labor, capital, demand, technology, and infrastructure. But in order to have an Industrial Revolution most of the time a country must undergo an Agricultural Revolution first. During the Agricultural Revolution Great Britain began making advances in technology which got the job done quicker, and used less men. All of the workers who were not needed on the farms eventually moved to the city to find work, this caused a huge increase in population, and laborers for factories. England was granted with a major amount of land that had useful resources such as, coal, iron, oil, and lumber. These resources were greatly needed in factories and new technology, so there was a huge demand for it. The owners of these factories, industries, and/or mines eventually made a lot of money and were able to invest in other things or make advancements in their businesses which made Great Britian a very wealthy country. In the spirit of industrilizaition roads, railways, waterways, and public works projects flourished in order to help out with the growing population and increasing industries. All of these factors made Great Britain the first Industrialized country.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Napoleon Bonaparte was a powerful force in Europe from 1799 to 1815. He rose from the ranks of the French army to become the emperor of France. By 1812 he had control of most of Europe. Unfortunately, he met his demise when he attempted to invade Russia. His downfall was almost as swift as his rise to power.

Napoleon was a genious when it came to the tactics of war, and probably one of the most brilliant war leaders we have ever seen. Unfortuenatly Napoleon was a very self-loving person and thought that no one could get in his way and stop him, which eventually led to his humiliating downfall. When it came to war and he was fighting a battle and lost he would never let that get back to his people in France. This is why everyone thought so highly of him and agreed with everything he did and said, because he never let his losses effect him, his military or his French people. Another reason why he was so loved was because he created a democracy and set up a system of laws called the Napoleonic Code, which allowed people to be free, and obtain all the possible oppurtunities. Also he allowed his people to vote on issues, and usually got full support because no one disagreed with him. Napoleon also dug his country out of an economic hole by setting up banks, balancing the budget, controlling prices, and starting public works and encouraging new industry. After King Louis XVI, Napoleon had restored France and all it's glory, which had a very postive effect for about the next 500 years.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Miguel Hidalgo

Miguel Hidalgo, who was also known as Priest Miguel Hidalgo and was a well-educated but poor man in the village of Dolores, made an exrtaordinary attempt to free Mexico from Spain. In 1810 this Creole priest who was strongly influenced by Enlightenment ideas, led a rebellion against the Spanish. This rebillion was name "grito de Dolores", also known as the Cry of Dolores. On September 17th Hidalgo led his Indian and Mexican followers on a march up to Mexico City, this army consisted of 80,000 men. This powerful lower class army was defeated by Spain in 1811, who were afraid of loosing their property, control of land, and lives to these uprising creoles and mestizos. After this Hidalgo sadly lost his followers and was captured and executed by Spain

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The French Revolution is defined as the political upheaval of world importance that began in France in 1789. Inspired by the success of the American Revolution, French citizens overthrew the noble, ruling class and establish a democratic government. The French monarchy under Louis XVI was viewed as oppressive and corrupt and the social structure was rigid, meaning it did not allow for social mobility which eventually forced the people to demand change.

The French Revolution was a significant movement in history because the French society stood up for themselves and demanded a change and wouldn't back down until they got one. The French society united together with a unifying cause and caused a revolution that eventually gave them rights and a say in government. This was successful because it shows that overtime a monarchy can not stay in office because it secludes the people and hurts them more then helps them, without a monarchy the people had the right to vote and cause change in their society, and any government that includes the people can be considered a success.