Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Miguel Hidalgo

Miguel Hidalgo, who was also known as Priest Miguel Hidalgo and was a well-educated but poor man in the village of Dolores, made an exrtaordinary attempt to free Mexico from Spain. In 1810 this Creole priest who was strongly influenced by Enlightenment ideas, led a rebellion against the Spanish. This rebillion was name "grito de Dolores", also known as the Cry of Dolores. On September 17th Hidalgo led his Indian and Mexican followers on a march up to Mexico City, this army consisted of 80,000 men. This powerful lower class army was defeated by Spain in 1811, who were afraid of loosing their property, control of land, and lives to these uprising creoles and mestizos. After this Hidalgo sadly lost his followers and was captured and executed by Spain

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done Madison - Keep it up. Get rid of the pink font on blue background.