Thursday, October 30, 2008

Napoleon Bonaparte was a powerful force in Europe from 1799 to 1815. He rose from the ranks of the French army to become the emperor of France. By 1812 he had control of most of Europe. Unfortunately, he met his demise when he attempted to invade Russia. His downfall was almost as swift as his rise to power.

Napoleon was a genious when it came to the tactics of war, and probably one of the most brilliant war leaders we have ever seen. Unfortuenatly Napoleon was a very self-loving person and thought that no one could get in his way and stop him, which eventually led to his humiliating downfall. When it came to war and he was fighting a battle and lost he would never let that get back to his people in France. This is why everyone thought so highly of him and agreed with everything he did and said, because he never let his losses effect him, his military or his French people. Another reason why he was so loved was because he created a democracy and set up a system of laws called the Napoleonic Code, which allowed people to be free, and obtain all the possible oppurtunities. Also he allowed his people to vote on issues, and usually got full support because no one disagreed with him. Napoleon also dug his country out of an economic hole by setting up banks, balancing the budget, controlling prices, and starting public works and encouraging new industry. After King Louis XVI, Napoleon had restored France and all it's glory, which had a very postive effect for about the next 500 years.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Miguel Hidalgo

Miguel Hidalgo, who was also known as Priest Miguel Hidalgo and was a well-educated but poor man in the village of Dolores, made an exrtaordinary attempt to free Mexico from Spain. In 1810 this Creole priest who was strongly influenced by Enlightenment ideas, led a rebellion against the Spanish. This rebillion was name "grito de Dolores", also known as the Cry of Dolores. On September 17th Hidalgo led his Indian and Mexican followers on a march up to Mexico City, this army consisted of 80,000 men. This powerful lower class army was defeated by Spain in 1811, who were afraid of loosing their property, control of land, and lives to these uprising creoles and mestizos. After this Hidalgo sadly lost his followers and was captured and executed by Spain

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The French Revolution is defined as the political upheaval of world importance that began in France in 1789. Inspired by the success of the American Revolution, French citizens overthrew the noble, ruling class and establish a democratic government. The French monarchy under Louis XVI was viewed as oppressive and corrupt and the social structure was rigid, meaning it did not allow for social mobility which eventually forced the people to demand change.

The French Revolution was a significant movement in history because the French society stood up for themselves and demanded a change and wouldn't back down until they got one. The French society united together with a unifying cause and caused a revolution that eventually gave them rights and a say in government. This was successful because it shows that overtime a monarchy can not stay in office because it secludes the people and hurts them more then helps them, without a monarchy the people had the right to vote and cause change in their society, and any government that includes the people can be considered a success.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Enlightenment Blog

The Enlightenment was a philosophical movement of the 18Th century characterized by belief in the power of human reason and questioning authority. Many enlightenment philosophers like John Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau published their ideas on government.

Enlightenment philosophers influenced change in society because they questioned the laws that were in place because they were based mainly on the church and not on logic and reason. Doing this they created new governments that included the peoples idea's which provoked new laws which made a huge change in society because it allowed them to vote and things like that.